An Unreal AI-Generated Image Got the Attention Near Pentagon  

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  • Got viral over every social media handle and was shared and reposted many times. 
  • Was the reason for the stock market drop? 

What is an Unreal AI-generated image?  

AI (artificial intelligence) could be used to generate images that are not created by humans artist. Such images are considered AI-generated images. These images can be real or are based on any theme. Conveying any type of message.  

These are not only used for generating the pics but also for enhancing the images. All of these are done by using the algorithm that analyzes the pictures and improves them. It is the system developed Aaron developed by Harold Cohen in 1960. 

The news of Unreal AI-generated images got the attention of social media handles. 

The market was spluttering because of an Unreal AI-generated image of a Pentagon explosion. And it was enough to make the market stutter. On May 22 the images were posted by a verified account which was assumed to be affiliated with the social conglomerate — sharing the report of the explosion nearby the Pentagon, the headquarters Defense Department of the united states. 

Although it has made the fuss over these things, many believe it to be the real case. It gained popularity. And the official Twitter handle of Republic Media has aired it without properly unattended it. As of, it grabbed the attention of the people around. 

It made it more controversial and have shared over many social handles. Although it was fake but did affect many things such as local authorities have made in charge of the building’s securities stating that they weren’t acknowledged regarding any such incident that took place there.

Whereas the US Department of Defense has confirmed that this image was fake. But still, it is getting viral. According to the experts, the image shows signs of being AI-created. 

There were structural mistakes in the building, and someone added the smoke to an existing image Hany Farid, a professor at the University of California, stated,  a digital forensic expert.   

The stock market was affected by it

Because of the news, S&P went down by 0.26% but recovered as soon as the new news about the old news was released. Cleaning that the last news was fake.  

In California, the financial regulators were broken down on purported crypto trading services and also alleged that some of the firms use AI-generated avatars for promotional videos of their CEO.  


An Unreal AI-generated image has troubled the people and the stock market. Which eventually put down the S&P 500 and have got closed before recovering on Friday. But when it was clear that no such incident occurred near the Pentagon, the market price took a long jump as the kangaroo.    

Later along with the help of experts, it was clarified that a particular image was a fake one. and was a relief to the Stock market. 

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